MURRELL to carolina
Former West Virginia University running back Adrian Murrellagreed to terms on a one-year contract with the Carolina Panthers. Murrell, who rushed for 1,000 yards in 1996, 1997 and 1998, agreedto a one-year contract worth slightly less than $500,000, theCharlotte Observer reported.
The eighth-year veteran played last year in Washington and hasstint with the New York Jets and Arizona Cardinals. With theRedskins, he played 15 games but gained only a combined 143 yardsrushing and receiving.
He joins two other ex-Mountaineers, punter Todd Sauerbrun andoffensive lineman Tanner Russell, in Charlotte.
Back-to-back road games at NCAA I-AA top-25 schools TennesseeTech and McNeese State highlight West Virginia University Tech's2001 football schedule. The West Virginia Conference on Wednesdayreleased schedules for its member schools.
Last year, WVU Tech played at I-AA Illinois State and lost 75-10. This coming season, the Golden Bears will travel to TennesseeTech on Sept. 22 and to McNeese State on Sept. 29. WVU Tech opensits season at 6 p.m. on Aug. 25 at Johnson C. Smith University inCharlotte, N.C. The Golden Bears have seven road games and four homegames.
West Virginia State opens its season Sept. 1 at home againstKentucky State. The Yellow Jackets play five home games, one ofwhich will be at Laidley Field, and six on the road, including aSept. 15 date at I-AA Charleston Southern.
State and Tech schedules are on this page.
West Virginia State is ranked second in the latest NCAA DivisionII North Atlantic Region rankings. Kutztown is No. 1. Also rankedare West Virginia Conference members Concord at No. 6 and WestVirginia Wesleyan and Shepherd, tied for No. 8.
Riverside High School junior Karl Booker has been selected toplay in an all-star basketball tournament this summer in Hawaii.Booker was selected by Tourney Sport U.S.A. to participate in theJuly event, which showcases juniors from throughout the country.He'll spend 10 days in Hawaii.
Distance runner Steve Bohan was named winner of the Red BrownCup.
That is awarded annually by West Virginia University totheschool's best all-around student-athlete.
A Toronto, Ontario, native, Bohan achieved All-America status forhis performance at the NCAA cross country championships this pastseason. He placed 18th, and became only the seventh Mountaineer tomake All-America in cross country.
Bohan, who won the Penn Relays 10,000 meters as a junior, is afive-time all-Big East honoree in cross country and track. He has a3.23 cumulative GPA in biology.
The Charleston Patriots USSSA baseball team will conduct tryoutsfrom 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. May 13 at George Washington High School.Players must be 15-16 years old. For more information call 347-3238.
Three area senior softball teams performed well in a recentsenior tournament in Myrtle Beach, S.C. The West Virginia Gold (ages50-54) lost in the championship game to Virginia Beach, 9-8. TobaccoExpress (60-64) won six games and finished as the runner-up. PackMart (55-59) finished fourth. A total of 33 teams were entered.
Big Bend will host a blind-draw scramble on May 25. Entry fee is$35, which includes greens fees, cart and lunch.
The annual West Virginia University Mountaineer ScholarshipDinner is scheduled for 7 p.m. May 14 at the Charleston Marriott.Expected guests include Gov. Bob Wise, WVU Athletic Director EdPastilong and WVU football and basketball coaches Rick Rodriguez andGale Catlett. Tickets are $75. For more information call Don Gay at727-6403.
youth track
The regional meet for the Hershey's Track & Field Youth Programis scheduled for June 5 at 6 p.m. at Hurricane High School. The meetis for boys and girls ages 9-14. The state meet is scheduled forJune 30 at 6 p.m. at Cabell Midland High. For more information call562-0518.
herd sports
Marshall University's softball team opens a three-game serieswith Ohio today that could land it in the Mid-American Conferencetournament.
The Herd (34-21, 14-7 MAC) has won 15 of its last 18 games andsits in third place, just one game ahead of the Bobcats. Marshallmust win 2-of-3 from Ohio, or win one and get a Bowling Green sweepof Kent State to qualify.
Meanwhile, the Herd's baseball team (22-22, 9-11) plays theBobcats in a four-game series beginning today in Athens. MU thenhosts a doubleheader beginning at 1 p.m. Saturday.
softball clinics
The Huntington-based Diamond Dusters girls softball program willsponsor hitting and pitching clinics at the Huntington High softballfield. The hitting clinic is scheduled for May 21-22 and again May28-29 for girls ages 8-18. The pitching clinic is set for June 4-5and again June 11-12. For more information call Larry at 522-6083 orBill at 523-8127.
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