eFuel EFN Corp. said it has acquired a tree farm on 188 acres ofland located in Georgia.
In a release on March 3, the company said the farm is presentlyharvesting and selling pine straw, pine syrup and other treeproducts. eFuel management plans to promote the logging and sale ofmature trees. The company said this strategy would substantiallyincrease net income from the tree farm, by selling each of thepresent 36,000 mature trees with a price structure of approximately$100.00 per tree. This would value the farm's trees at more than$3,600,000.00. It is management's plan to immediately start anexpansion program that will include the planting of additionaltrees. The planting program will provide a sustainable tree harvestwell into the future, with the present land valued at $3,700,000.00.As a result of this asset being acquired by eFuel, the companynoted, the balance sheet of eFuel will reflect an additional$7,300,000.00 Dollars.
With assistance from the State of Georgia, federal agencies, andprivate equity institutions, eFuel said there is the possiblealternative of using the property for the purpose of renewableenergy projects, such as a wind farm, and /or a solar powergenerating plant.
Over the next several months, the new board will be reviewing andacquiring other assets that will fit into eFUEL's portfolio.
eFuel is a publicly traded, internet services company offering on-line dating site
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