среда, 29 февраля 2012 г.

Fed: Remember the elderly during Christmas: Salvos

AAP General News (Australia)
Fed: Remember the elderly during Christmas: Salvos

SYDNEY, Dec 16 AAP - Australians are being urged to make sure they don't forget elderly
friends, neighbours and relatives living alone over Christmas.

Senior citizens living alone often feel isolated and forgotten, especially at Christmas,
The Salvation Army says.

The Salvos are calling on everyone to make the effort to keep in touch with elderly
people they know over the Christmas/New Year summer holiday period.

"For many older persons, the combination of growing older and living alone creates
a situation in which individuals are less likely to experience social contact with others,"

Salvation Army spokeswoman Rhonda Gregory said on Tuesday.

"If you have a friend or relative who is living alone make a point of keeping in contact
on a regular basis to see how they are. Just a simple call can help greatly."

Ms Gregory said people could do simple things such as encouraging elderly neighbours
to raise a blind each day to show they were okay, or offer to help with routine tasks
such as collecting mail or bringing the garbage in and out.

People who feel lonely can call the Salvos Care Line on 1300 36 36 22.

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